Disney Fans Created A Next Level Creepy Artwork For You

Disney has always been famous for winning the hearts of people. It has given a platform to the artists to show up their creativity and attract users and viewers. However, with some alterations in the images, other artists have captured the creepy view. Its time to introduce yourself to the artist world. The artists presented their best work in their work and so here we are sharing with you all. Why don’t you prefer to watch them? So it’s time to introduce yourself to the artist world. Also, see what alterations they make to bring uniqueness in their work. An artist can only understand how different images designed and presented for the audiences. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to have a look at creativity with bright prints.

#1 Meet the Creepy and frightening Mickey Mouse with deadly teeth by Wil Hughes

Source: https://www.artstation.com/wilhughes

#2 Don’t you feel it will you right now? Its Experiment 626 of Boris Kiselicki.

source: artstation.com/kisel

#3 Meet deadly Zoombies with alteration with the characters.

source: https://robcarlosart.wixsite.com/mysite

#4 Skeleton of Jack Skellington presented by Austen Mengler

source: https://www.austenmengler.com/

#5 One-eyed Sully and Mike designed by Disse86

source: https://www.deviantart.com/disse86

#6 Here is Creepyfied with the best presented Disney Drawing by Atomic Circus.

source: https://www.deviantart.com/atomiccircus

#7 Meet Winnie the Pooh presented beautifully by famous Simon Hartvig.

source: https://www.instagram.com/hartvig_hartvig/?hl=en

#8 The Terrifying Bambi and high quality designed by Whiluna.

source: https://www.deviantart.com/whiluna

#9 This is the happiest place on the earth with bright eyes by jflaxman.

source: https://www.deviantart.com/jflaxman

#10 Here is a princess series beautifully designed and presented by Jeffrey and Kasami Sensei.

source: https://www.deviantart.com/jeftoon01, https://www.deviantart.com/kasami-sensei/gallery/44925634/twisted-disney

#11 Alterations in Pinocchio and the artist is Simon Hartvig.

source: https://www.instagram.com/hartvig_hartvig/?hl=en

#12 Marques31 knows it very well that how this picture will be going for the day.

source: https://www.deviantart.com/marques31

#13 Showing a good pop culture Dan Luvis

source: https://www.instagram.com/danluvisiart/?hl=en

#14 Buzz Lightyear introduced by PEZ Artwork

source: http://www.pez-artwork.com/

#15 A new addition to the collection of Donald Duck by Andre De Freitas

source: https://andredefreitas.tumblr.com/

#16 Welcome to dark Disney world by Shawn Coss.

source: http://www.shawncossart.com/

#17 Here is Stitch design by Uluuka

source: http://thedeathofuluuka.blogspot.com/

#18 A completely changed Hades beautiful face to creepy face by Will Hughes.

source: https://www.artstation.com/wilhughes

#19 the most frightening design by La Fee Verte Art

source: https://www.deviantart.com/la-fee-verte-art

#20 Don’t feel afraid as its just an image by HodariNundu

source: https://www.deviantart.com/hodarinundu

21 Dog Posts To Bring A Smile on the Face

For you, dogs are the best friends, and usually, humans show their altruistic behavior towards them. Those catchy eyes always attract us to look after the pets. The present time of pandemic has uprooted us such that we feel that its enough to handle any more. We need something to cheer up and make us feel thrilled. For you, we bring a list of beautiful and attractive pictures of your favorite and best friend. Our inventory includes every kind say from Bamboozler to the funny dog. But We are sure you will surely love this one. It is very priceless that brings a big smile on the face. Dogs’ images are like a bandage for your bored mind and refreshing for your soul. So, its time to move down and see what these beautiful creatures bring for you. So, Find if it raises a smile and love on your face or not? Here is our collection.

Hina is just trying to make you happy enough on purpose.

I guess the dog is taking some driving lessons with this owner. How sweet it is!

The dog shows innocence carrying the keys along with him safe to the travel. Thus, He is the caretaker.

The most loved area to sleep and relax.

See if you can find a pug inside it.

Ohh! Meet the newborns. They are so lovely.

Someone tried to capture their dog’s tattoo. However, he couldn’t do it.

Meet the Blue Boop.

The dog found the missing socks he carried along with it. However, the melting snow has captured him.

See the royal looks and preferences.

It is 15 years old Chihuahua. I loved his catchy eyes with a beautiful iris.

It is the perfect capture.

Surely someone would be searching for the missing ribs and the dog took them away.

The identical and the preferred ones

You will surely like to show blessings of love to this puppy. The most loved one.

Such a soothing and happy looking picture.

Who will come to explain it in a better way? Meet our Doga

My friend has made the holes in the gate to see this beautiful Labrador.

How smoothly he sleeps after a full stomach diet.

My dog has stolen the head of this Dish Brush.

So, are you ready to meet the Adorable Monster?

These Internet Users Tells About Their Epic Work Fail They Were Fired For

Well we all make mistakes in our life. Sometimes we learn from that mistake and sometimes we just let it go. It’s been rightly said that Failure is a part of success. One who gets success at the first go will never understand the taste of failure. Failure makes a man perfect and ready for life. Just like when a toddler learns how to walk, similarly failure teaches us how to walk properly in the right path. You are fired from your work, your office and you lose hope but always remember these failures always open a door for a success. But hey don’t be so serious guys, let me tell you a funny story. In 2001, a teacher from wales was just being real, she told her students that Santa Claus is a fictional character. The kids with their disappointment told their parents and they entreat the teacher, who was fired after that incident. Now isn’t it funny? Various such cases of being fired happens pretty often and some of them are proved right on the social media. Like for example, on 14 August famous comedian and talk show host Jimmy Fallon started a thread why i got fired where most of people posted have posted their funny stories. Let’s have a look at some of these stories and enjoy.

1. The ‘Infrequent Business Trip’ Joke.LOL.

2. Right Approach and there you go, you got a job.

3. I can’t stop laughing at this.

4. Now it’s time for the bonus. A master class of how to react correctly if you got fired.

5. I think its a better job than sitting idle in the office and working 24 hr’s a day.

6. Now i guess this is the real happiness.

7. It’s all your fault now. LOL.

8. Do you guys think it is about the work load?

9. It’s just 3 words dude ‘Remake the website’, How could you spend 2 weeks on that.

10. Walmart needs to keep a record of their active employees.

11. What an Epic Failure. I feel sad for him.

12. Not because you suck at this but definitely fortune teller does not like you man.

13. Can you tell me the recipe please.

14. Can’t Say Anything.

15. Seriously What?

16. At least he enjoyed his short trip with some sandwiches.


Artist Shares His Daily Life Bridging cultural Gaps As An International Couple In These 28 Illustrations

In the life of a human being, the most complicated matter is the relationship. These are not easy to handle, and when it’s about dealing with them, then it even becomes complex. In the pandemic time, it has also turned lives to be very complicated. It is all in dreams thinking about living a happy life every time with your partner. Milia is an Indonesian pharmacist and her husband, Matteo is a creative Italian illustrator, and they both have a passion for art. A few months ago, they were living the dream in Bali, got married on a remote tropical island, and moved for a while to Italy for the honeymoon and gathering with the family. Shortly after, the lockdown forced them to stay. Here are some experiences shared for you to see what different situations a couple has to face in the pandemic time. Source: westinasia.com | Instagram | Facebook

#1 Men usually try to find problems with the food cooked.

#2 It is how the couple was managing to stock up products at home.

#3 It seems to be very funny when there is a lot of height difference between a couple.

#4 It is how isolation could impact a human.

#5 A lot of differences in thinking during sunbath

#6 Men are busy with their video interviews and women disturbing him every moment.

#7 The ancient memories spent together recalls.

#8 It’s feeling like entering new year after lockdown.

#9 How does it feel when you travel with your fan?

#10 It seems people in Bali celebrate Christmas with monkeys.

#11 The reaction when a man cooks food

#12 People during quarantine cannot move to a salon for a haircut.

#13 The winters are like women feeling cold than men.

#14 Men are never serious about learning meditation.

#15 It is the feeling of sleeping late and feeling afraid of ghosts from the partner.

#16 Romance is never-ending.

#17 Men are like women are a problem even if she is to rescue your pain.

#18 The most touching moment.

#19 It is how men get their first massage in Indonesia.

#20 The Beautiful one

#21 Many men skipped bathing during the quarantine.

#22 Learning Yoga is only for women in this case.

#23 Women are forcing her husband to take her along for a vacation.

#24 As a fish caught up by a man

#25 They miss travelling

#26 How beautiful it is to watch soothing sunsets in the vehicles.

#27 Its time to irritate men asking for travel at home with huge luggage.

#28 The lovely couple relation

Adopting A Pet Is Better than To Spend Upon Shopping. Here Are Some Before and After Photos Of Rescued Pets

Pet adoption cannot stop even if the pandemic breakout has stopped every operation of the people. Animal lovers have been still working to provide pets with a space in their houses. People saved different pets, including dogs, bunnies, cats, and most often, they even protected squirrels. Now they are all happy with everything. However, this has never shown the selfish behaviour of the people as love for pets is never-ending and for no profit. They are saving these pets from troublesome life. Here are the below listed cute pictures of the pets, and people watching them will surely fall in love with the pets.

#1Cute cat looking for love from the people around. The cat rescued by the man to save her.

#2 Cat suffered while quarantine and a man adopted her for help from society. The man used to hide the cat for the entire day. She generally avoided people in that.

#3 Seems dog searching for love after scolding.

#4 Khemjira found this puppy when she saw him abandoning. With her, she carried the puppy and adopted it.

#5 See how it feels to be right after adopting a pet.

#6 The sleeping duo best-friends.

#7 Here is a kitten looking like a Meerkat.

#8 The cat likes to be with her owner every time, and so they do not leave her alone.

#9 In a fun mood to play

#10 Look at the big black female puppy, which is cuddly.

#11 Meet a wonder dog Rimosa who is three years old.

#12 Ahh! Injured one needs proper medication.

#13 The owner owned this puppy in their house one year ago to provide him with a shelter.

#14 This cat named Arietty was waiting for the owner very patiently for a long time through the toy.

#15 Dog feeling relaxed after a cold summer bath.

#16 The police officers found the kitten and the siblings who were dead residing beside the road. They adopted the kitten.

#17 Look at the magical eyes of the kitten to attract people towards it.

#18 It Seems the dog did not get something to eat.

#19 A small pup dog lost his eyes in the accident. Thus the owner adopted him.

#20 Golden Retriever of the owner’s dad found the squirrel who half sub-conscious in the yard.

#21 An innocent and the moody one.

#22 These two are the most lovable characters with their innocent face.

#23 A man got a message written that an innocent dog may die if left alone for more days, and he picked it up.

#24 Loves playing late at night.

#25 These magical, innocent eyes will win everyone’s heart.

#26 A safe Jolene at home and relaxing

#27 Ready to move out in the rain.

#28 The time when the owner first took it from the City truck

#29 A dog named Finn enjoying his loving life after adoption

#30 Ahh! This harsh summer


10+ Hilarious Observations About Disney Princesses

Disney has always been the top-listed channel to make dollars. These roles are refreshing to watch for our minds. Also, it has always been exhilarating to watch the repeat roles and to revisit the characters. The character has been very classic to bring up with. However, it shows what made them great and what has made them look weird. What everything Disney brings up for the viewers is always appreciable. And now people can’t stop making tweets on them. Here are a few illustrations for you. Here we will talk about Disney Princess. In this context, there are situations to make you laugh. The best examples stated on Twitter that none could do anywhere else.

How differently Mulan and her dad made a funny conversation for a war.

See how people Tweet relating Ariel with the Little Mermaid.

But this is a matter of thinking. Am I right? Turning of a pumpkin to Carriage is okay.

This is the real testing of being a parent.

Every business person makes a profit for his goodness.

The work Tiny Kid Fish is quite funny that none can stop laughing after reading this.

It has increased very rapidly.

No one can think if a princess can be dumb like this.

How funnily can someone relate cup with the skull? Thanks to God that there is no toilet explanation further.

See how the demands keep rising until you stop them.

People cannot just stop making fun of the Little Mermaid with her height.

It is a coincidence that Rapunzel has to stay indoor as if Disney were aware of Quarantine life.

Just say out what you think—violation with the rules and principles.

Does this seem weird enough? However, how weirdly they are asking each other for a trusted relation.

How 15+ Fairy Princesses Look When They Gain Weight?

Fairy Tales always represent the princesses to be gentle and kind personalities. They are perfect with their slim bodies. But have you thought of a princess with heavy bodyweight? How will they look? Well, try to imagine them with some different looks. They have pronounced curves, and then you realise results are not right. You will not like these princesses anymore. Here is our creation for you by introducing you to different new observations. These are very refreshing and liberating.

#1 Meet Elsa with an entirely gained body weight in the below picture. But she looks beautiful in this one too. 

#2 Here you meet Pocahontas with a heavyweight but she appears differently.

#3 I think Ariel may not be able to move freely as she does after this.

#4 Meet Belle with a heavy stomach and face

#5 Anna seems similar to her body beauty.

#6 None can transform her and take Jasmine’s place. 

#7 Snow White looks even more beautiful and cute with a massive transformation.

#8 Moana shades her beauty every time. 

#9 A beautiful Cindrella in a fantastic outfit even with great transformation.

#10 you can view a good change in Mulan and her appearance.

#11 Tiana keeps shining every time with her crown and bright shades.

#12 Aurora seems to be an adult princess in this beautiful outfit.

#13 Merida will be a warrior every time.

#14 Rapunzel has a transformation after gaining weight.

#15 Wendy is a cute and innocent girl every time you see her even after gaining weight.

#16 Meg will lose her beauty of body once she gains weight.

#17 You will not find transformation in the face of Kida after weight gain.

#18 Anastasia will never lose her beauty even after this transformation.

Do you love this transformation of the fairy princesses? They always had slim fit bodies, but this transformation has changed their looks. Surely we will help you with more results next time.

These Non-Human Disney Characters are Re imagined As Humans


The Child Inside You Never Dies.

Disney has always tried its best to make my childhood happy. I still remember sitting in front of the TV waiting for Mickey mouse – the club house, M.A.D and many more. Disney has always tried to be their best and for most of the kids of our generation, Disney is still at the top. The Walt Disney company is an American, diversified, multi-national and mass-media company situated in Burbank, California. This company was originally created by  brothers Walt and Roy O. Disney, hence the company was named Walt Disney Company. The only mission of The Walt Disney Company is to entertain, inform and inspire the people all over the world through the power of unparalleled story-telling, reflecting the brands, creative minds and innovative technology which makes this company the premier entertainment company all over the world. With stories like Snow white, Cinderella, Beauty and Beast and many more. Disney gained a handsome of viewers from children and teenagers. A lot of Disney fan artists all around the world have created some fantastic and incredible newer version for these old and classic Disney characters, But this time as humans. Scroll down below to see which of your character has got new looks. Have fun.

1. Original Disney Family or the newer Version?

2. From Lion King to Human King.

3. King Of The Pride Lands.

4. Lady and the Tramp.

5. Everyone calls me Mike. Scary Enough?

6. The Friendly Robot.

7. Detectives For Life.

8. The Cutest Couple.

9. What is Olaf from movie Frozen is doing here? I Bet enjoying the snow.

10. This Never Catches A Break.

11. Winnie the Pooh and the Piglet.

12. No one can Beat him, The World-Renowned Racer.

13. The Clumsy Duo.

14. How Cool they all are looking in those outfits. A pair of Mischevious Chipmunks.

15. Mysterious and A Scary Character.

16. Family of Seven.

17. Student Sullivan.

18. My Favorite Duck is here – Donald the Duck.

19. Remember the Epic Dialogue – Hakuna Matata. No Worries.

20. The clever Fox.

21. Tighter Bonds and Friendship.

22. Disney’s Royal Princesses.

23. The Iconic Mouse.

24. Meet the most Innocent Boy.

25. Ariel and Flounder.


Artist Reimagines These Disney Characters In the Age of Social Distancing

It’s no surprise that 2020 is turning out to be the worst year for the whole world. The year Celebrated itself first in Australia where 18.626 hectares were burnt across all the states and territories. Australia faced a devastating start to its fire season in later 2019, and things swiftly got worse before rains helped contain many of the worst fires in February 2020. Then we came across the COVID-19, which is still ruining the whole world. Many person lost their lives, some are on the verge of dying because of no food and shelter and others have lost their jobs and I guess there’s nothing much to explain as you guys are already familiar with the situation. America is still struggling with COVID-19 and also losing control as people are marching on the street to protest for the killing of George Floyd and now the fuel spill in Siberia, Russia has worsened the situation. More than 20,000 tons of diesel fuel spilled from a power plant facility into a river inside the Arctic circle. But nothing can be compared to COVID-19. Situations are getting worse and worse and still no vaccine is there to kill this Virus. Due to the Lock down, most of the population around the globe is working from home and maintaining the social distancing. Lots of ideas were developed by various companies in promoting the idea of Sanitization and Social Distancing. To spread this awareness among the kids, one cartoonist has developed some ideas in the form of Disney characters. She has been reimagining these iconic scenes from Disney movies as if they were following the idea of social distancing and the results were fabulous. This series of cartoon is created by artist and Disney fan Megan, who is a famous artist and has been sharing her work on Instagram under the Id @MegantheCartoonist. Scroll down below to see her latest work.

1. The Lion King.

2. Bambi.

3. The Little Mermaid.

4. Lilo And Stitch.

5. Lady And The Tramp.

6. Beauty And The Beast.

7. Cinderella.

8. Peter Pan.

9. Aladdin.

10. The Princess And The Frog.

These men Deserves To Be Called Boyfriend Of The Year

I guess many of us are aware of the fact that in most of the relationships women are the most romantic one as compared to men. But hey, i said most not all, relationship works on communication and trust. It’s not the gestures or the amount of surprises that matter it is the trust, communication and love that matters the most. Being in love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. You can share your love, your feelings, your ups and down with one person whom you love. Trust me, having that one person on your side with whom you can share your world is a blessing. Let’s be real now, in most of the relationships it is vital for most of the women to feel appreciated, and i guess many of the men are aware of this fact. However, some of the CEO’s of the relationship set their standards so high, that all left for the rest of them is to learn and perform. Whether it’s a handmade gift or a candle light dinner, i think men from most of the relationships deserves a special award for being so romantic. I’m totally in love with these gestures and i think you guys will be too. Here i compiled a set of guys whose remarkable gestures, caring abilities and love should definitely be adored and awarded. Scroll down below to see the most romantic guys of the era.

1. His girlfriend’s feet were hurting so he took out his slippers and wore her heels. I’m overwhelmed by this gesture.

2. His wife loved Game Of Thrones so he decided to make Dragon eggs for her Birthday.

3. Can you really believe this – His girlfriend was in hospital getting chemo and she has no one who can braid her hair, look what his boyfriend did.

4. So I sent my boyfriend to buy some lemons and he came home with him. His name is Lemon.

5. So he cleaned the pantry all by himself while his girlfriend was away.

6. So he baked a cake for his girlfriend on his birthday and this was the first cake he ever baked and decorated.

7. I guess this is the only room where every couple wants to sleep. this guy created a pillow fort for his girlfriend.

8. These are only for my Girlfriend.

9. His girlfriend was too tired so he took care of her skin.

10. I think it is the perfect way to remind someone that they left something at your house.

11. So his boyfriend gifted her this on her birthday.

12. Do you guys love bacon more than flowers and your girls too, so gift your girlfriend this bouquet full of bacon flowers.

13. So His boyfriend tried to give her a meerkat experinece.

14. So my boyfriend tied this collar to my cat which say will you marry me? Isn’t it the best way to propose?

15. So his girlfriend likes to paint her nails so much that he bought this much nail paints just to surprise her.

16. My boyfriend made this cute little Squirtle for me. He still thinks he can do better but i love it.

17. So his wife was a little over drunk, so he designed a bed near the washroom with pillows and a blanket.

18. I saved for a year for this vacation. I hope his girlfriend loves the breakfast he made.

19. What an Incredible proposal at a height of 10,450 feet.

20. What a sweet present – The 365 Jar with explanation on its back. His girlfriend was amazed.

21. His girlfriend wanted a place to hang Christmas stockings, so he created one. It can be called an artificial palace of love.

22. She loves sushi so much that her boyfriend created a sushi pillow for her.

23. So his girlfriend and his cat fell asleep on him and he’s not gonna move until they wake up.

24. He designed this beautiful bouquet full of paper flowers for his wife to celebrate their first year anniversary. Can’t ask for more.