Creepy Comics That Have Unpredictable Endings.

Can you guys recall a way to keep yourself busy in the past? Apart from playing games and watching TV, i guess comics were our best friends. We all can surely recall that time when we use to keep ourselves busy reading the famous comic books. But with the modern world and the rapid technology, the craze for the comic books has been lost somewhere. A few years back, famous writers Ehud Lavski and Yael Nathan started writing short comic stories and  uploading them to the internet. Till the date, their comic stories has been read by over 20 million times and most of the readers feel strong emotional connection while reading them. From where the ideas for these comics come? well, the answer is from everywhere. For some comics the idea appears as a whole, for some comics the ideas comes with the dreams and for the rest it comes from the nightmares. According to the writers, Ehud Lavski and Yael Nathan, whenever an idea hits their head and refuses to come out of their head, that is when they know its time to turn their ideas into stories. Below is their latest work on comics. The below given three stories are fairy tales in their own way: an old man with vengeance on his mind, a dangerous comic book and a barren couple going on a vacation. Just like each human is different from others, the below given stories are pretty much different from each other, but i hope you will love them all equally. I really hope you guys will like them. If you guys love these comic stories and wanna support these writers work, then you can follow them online. Just google their names and you will be able to grab each and everything you wanna know. Scroll down below to have some fun.

A Wicked Man



Media Sharing the Other Side of the Protest after the Death of George Floyd


African-American George Floyd Protest Today

From the West Coast to the East, the mainstream media is covering the extensive protests after killing of George Floyd. And the video footage, it was obvious that the officer hunched on African-American Floyd’s neck as he panted for breath.

From the Raleigh Protest, one woman appeared displaying “I Can’t Believe I’m 66 and Still Protesting This”

Michael Freeman, Hennepin County Attorney, charged Mr Chauvin with second-degree manslaughter and third-degree murder. Benjamin Crump and the family of Mr. Floyd is upset and said, “We want to see the other officers also for arrest”. 

A group of people shielding cop who parted from other officers

Mr. Floyd was living in Minneapolis. However, he became unemployed like other Americans due to pandemic. Recently, he was working as a bouncer. After his death, people started protesting against officers. 

Police signifying and exasperating to hear and realize the frustration 

The cities all over the US activated National Guard members and commanding curfews. Still, the situation is not relaxing and demonstrators are continuously expressing the anger and outbursts of violence. 

Black people claiming “We Are Stronger Together”

Irrespective of numerous unanswered questions, one thing is clear that the demands of justice has united the entire nation. An end to police harshness against African-Americans has unified people of all backgrounds.  

The protest of a Veteran against his government shows the cohesive fight for justice

Even in some incidents, news media members seemed to be the target by the protestors and police. People are continuously protesting and fighting for protection. 

A police officer and protestor displayed “One Race, The Human Race”. This is what commonality looks like

Mr. Floyd was continually begging “please, please, please” as he was not able to breathe. But Mr Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd’s neck and he died.  

3 Boys Wanted To Be Like Spider-Man- Get Hospitalized After Provoking A Black Widow

Many people want to see a crossover between Spider-Man and Black Widow in real life. Undoubtedly, it will be great fun to see such an incredible makeover. Recently, three young boys came across the spider and confirmed to do something about it. The spider was poisonous, just like the character played in the Marvell Cinematic Universe. 

Why three boys provoked a black widow?

The boys, when looking after the family’s sheep, came up with the idea to get bitten by the spider. The three boys were thinking that getting bitten by the venomous spider would fit them into the iconic red-blue character. Though the Black Widow Spider is not aggressive to humans, when someone provokes it, then the result can be worse. With a stick, the boys started stabbing the Black Widow and provoked it to attack them and turn into Spider-Man. If you are expecting that the result was respectable, then you are entirely wrong. Three boys bit themselves, and immediately got admitted to the hospital.  After bitten up by the toxic spider, the three boys started showing numerous symptoms. It includes severe pain, muscle spasms, increase in heart rate, and abdominal cramps. Fortunately, their mother found them after some time, and the boys were instantly taken to the hospital. Otherwise, we cannot imagine how adverse the consequences can be.

What symptoms did the three boys show after bitten up by Black Widow?

The condition of the boys did not show any improvement due to which they moved to the next hospital. After receiving the correct treatment, the boys showed some signs of improvement. After five days, the boys get discharged from the hospital. Thankfully, after getting proper treatment, their condition is now functional. Now the boys are happy being back to life once again. Black Windows need to get provoked since they are not enemies of humans. 

Parents Think Their Kids Are As Bright As They Are, Is It Really True?

So do you all think all the kids are as bright as their parents are? I guess some of you would say yes, some will say maybe and few will say no. Every kid has a perspective of their own and some might get award for their brilliancy and some may not and those who are not able to get one in brilliancy might get a one for their creativity and out of the box thinking. so i don’t think any of them is dumb or a loser. In fact i think they have a perspective which most of the adults fail to understand and that is the basic reason why these kids are on the list. Most of the parents fail to understand their child perspective and they don’t even laugh at their kid’s funny accents and always try their best to make them as bright as they are. But if i was in their place i would have laughed a lot at my child’s funniest stories and accents, while they keep staring at me as if i was a crazy person. so from kids kissing a dolphin in the water park to weighing themselves without using any known metric system. Here are some of the cool and funniest tweets which will make you laugh for sure. if you want to lighten up your mood with some laughter, you came to the right place. scroll down and have fun.

1. Who needs a metric system when you can weigh yourself with the help of squirrels.

2. Are we really looking for Titus?

3. Seriously what? From where he learned all this?

 4. Bats are for real kid, but batman isn’t real.

5. Here is an example of out of box thinking.

6. You might need a new pair of air pods after this.

7. True love does exist. What do you guys think?

8. Sale Sale Sale. A big Sale.

9. Wanna know what bath bombs tastes like?

10. You do know about it right?

11. He still wants to go out with you. Age doesn’t matter.

12. I guess you should teach your son not to steal air from your daughter’s bedroom.

13. Dude what you are trying to replace?

14. Okay i can agree on a nightingale or a night bird, but a wood penguin. No way.

15. We all need to think about this.


Next series of ‘Resident Evil’ will be “Super Scary” claims Reboot Director

‘Resident Evil’ based on a video game is a high action movie. The film will keep your heart racing on what will happen next. Excellent story and the cool make up for the zombies, make this movie an awesome one.  Though, the initial entries of the film were super hit. But the whole storyline due to its careless nature and failure to follow the games continued to turn away fans. Now, Hollywood is quickly working on rebooting the ‘Resident Evil’ series.  In many people’s minds, ‘Resident Evil,’ starring Milla Jovovich, is like an action movie franchise. However, the property underway out as a survival horror game for the play station.  What is Johannes Roberts’s view on Resident Evil Reboot? A new Resident Evil movie is in progress, as told by the director of 47 Meters Down, namely, Johannes Roberts. His statement “getting back to the roots of the game” suggests that in the place of being another action movie. The series will take encouragement from the previous installment, where the whole thing storyline was focusing on scaring you.  With so many scary scenes like Alice saw the evil dogs, and many more, Resident Evil was a hit to the cinemas. Additionally, a woman passed out in a shower, and a virus breaks out in a lab, can put you in suspense. This time the movie is going to be super scary. And Robert’s hard works will unquestionably make the film hit again.  It’s going to be interesting to see the dark style of the movie on the big screen. After so many action elements in the previous ones, this series is going to be super successful. No more information has been out, so yes, you have to wait to see when it is going to happen. Stay Tuned! And keep waiting for more up news from us.  

23 Amazing photos that are funny and shows that Dogs have their own kind of Logic

Our dogs has always been our most loyal companions. They are like our family, we love them and they love us back. They are quite intelligent and caring when they want to be. As they grow, we are quite amused and fascinated by the way they learn things from us and how easily they grasp the content. we often think that they live their life as we want them to but the case is totally different it seems like most of the dogs want to live their life by their own set of rules and you will all laugh for sure when you will come to know about these rules. Bringing home dogs does mean that you have to take care of them, feed them, treat them like a member of your family and take them daily for a walk. For a number of dog owners, these routines are quite familiar. They spend most of their time with them. From trying to learn how to catch a ball to how to do pole dance, the owners try to capture every weird thing they do, the following dogs are captured doing weird things and are a bit different from their other breeds. Take a look at some of these funny weird photos and have fun.

1. Do you guys think he is trying to learn Pole dance?

2. I think he is trying to get a plate full of pasta.

3. I think he is lost in that painting.

4. He needs a snugger place so he created one.

5. Wanna come here and play.

6. Just enjoying the water with my friends.

7. Is he alive?

8. She just wants some attention.

9. Wanna know how to manipulate your owner?

10. It’s pretty much obvious of what you did, no need of the arrow sign.

11. Just stopped by to say hello.

12. what if someone slips down?

13. Is this the best way to relax your body?

14. Just trying something cool.

15. The best place to sit idle and relax.

16. Probably waiting for someone special.

17. Pick me! I’m the lighter one.

18. What kind of a swing is this?

19. Waiting for him to say sorry.

20. Ready to play hide and seek.

21. I think his brain needs some rest.

22. Look here buddy, here i am.

23. He really wants to carry the essence of the nature.


25 Tumblr Posts That Made Us Rethink Our Favorite Disney Movies

Disney shows are full of hidden messages and won’t be able to notice unless you concentrate really hard. Most of us are not aware of these tiny details that make our favourite movies so much more interesting. But thanks to Tumblr users, who are always analyzing every scene and throwing the craziest theories out of them which somehow make perfect sense making us rethink about our favourite Disney movies. Seriously, these 25 Tumblr posts below will blow your mind and give you a whole new appreciation of some of your favourite moments and characters from the Disney films you all grew up with.

25 Disney On Ice

24. We All Know That Dad Face

23. Dance With Colors Of The Wind

22. The Wishing Star

21. The Woman Who Trained Coulson

20. Like Seriously?

19. Can We Call It Some Detailing On Point?

18. A Goofy Realization

17. Flynn, The Only Sane Person In Disney

16. There Are So Many Levels To That Joke

15. She Never Wish For A Prince

14. That’s Our Dream Princess

13. Siding With Triton

12. That’s Right Susan! So Stop Asking

11. Elsa Lessons

10. Hahaha!

9. The Scariest Part Of Tangled

8. He Means Two Words In Greek Not In English Ya!

7. The Difference In Teaching Methods

6. If You Hear The Word Fool In Disney, You Must Know Who Are They

5. Patrick Warburton > Kronk

4. Who Do You Love The Most?

3. The Orphans!

2. On The Run

1. The Right Type Of Disney Princesses

Meet A Master Of Disguise, The Vietnamese Mossy Frog

Nature is full of creepy and curious creatures. One such critter, the Mossy frog, is the embodiment of all these characteristics. This one of a kind amphibian is native to Vietnam and gets its name from its appearance. The frog body resembles a chunk of moss, it has a green body, black spots, tubercles and spines. Well, I know that sounds a little weird, but they truly exist.  However, the main concern is not how they look, it’s about them who are about to face extinction because of deforestation around the country. This creature is desired for its natural abilities like, the frog has one of the more elaborate camouflages on the planet. Its body resembles a moss that typically covers trees and the rocks, it blends in perfectly with the background almost constantly. Well, like an old saying, our nature is full of surprises and it seems so true here. These creatures are difficult to find not just because of their appearance but they hold the ability to throw their voices up to 3 to 4 meters, which is very rare to see in the animal kingdom making it nearly impossible to hear their call even if you’re too close to them. When scared or threatened, these frogs will roll into a ball and play dead. Thanks to this ability most predators walk past without knowing that they are around or close by. These Vietnamese mossy frog measures 7 to 8 centimetres and males are generally smaller and thinner than females. Besides this, these creatures have sticky disks on their feet, helping them to climb trees or other surfaces

Dog Turns Into A Parent For Every Cat In This Cat Shelter, Sharing A Pure Bond!

Dogs and cats are known as the arch-rivals who, for some reasons are meant to not like each other and fight like there is no tomorrow but, this dog in the post below proves otherwise, his pure love towards cats will steal your heart away! This nine-year-old Shepherd mix, Raylan, is a father and mother to a lot of foster cats and kittens past 6 years. Raylan helps his owner Laura in taking care of them by offering lots of love and support. He takes care of rescue kittens like his own babies and plays with them every day, even bath them too.

 “I found out he liked cats when we brought our first foster kitten (Watson) home 6 years ago when Raylan was already 3 years old” – The Owner.

Laura mentioned Raylan’s nature, she said he is a very smart dog who always stays up for any adventure and is eager to please. Raylan has more than 20 k followers on Instagram, and each of his followers is enjoying all the adorable content posted by his owner.

His Account Says: “Raylan is a purebred mutt who enjoys getting beer for loved ones, road trips, and cuddling with his foster kittens.  Well No Doubt At All!

While in an interview Laura told how she met Raylan: “Raylan was adopted from a high-kill shelter where he was going to be euthanized as nobody wanted him because he was too energetic and untrained.” But no one tried to train him, says Laura.

“I have no idea why Raylan loves kittens,” Says The Owner.

Raylan always treats them as his babies; he took great care of them, says the owner. He constantly cleans them up and plays with them. Also stops them if they try to scratch the sofa. Seeing His kittens makes Him Feel So Content And Also They keep Him Entertained!
When any kitten leaves he never seems sad afterwards, however after a few weeks of alone time he starts to get sad if don’t get to see any new kitten – “He always gets excited after seeing a new kitten. New kitten day is his favourite day,” says the owner.

This Shepherd Become Famous When A Video Of Him And Two Kittens Falling Onto Him Went Viral.

He received 64 k views loaded with people’s comments full of love and wishes for the cats to find a good home and for Raylan for taking good care of them.

Who Could Have Thought This High Energetic Dog Can Turnout So Kind And Calm Pet?

He Is Truly A Smart Dog Who Needs To Be Mentally Stimulated Constantly.

It’s Truly Heartwarming To See How Much The Kittens Like Him Back!

Laura Has Fostered More Than 60 Cats With Help Of Raylan, Keeping Them Safe, Healthy And Happy Whilst They Wait To Find A Forever Home.

“When he has kitten to take care of he feels like he has a job, which allows me some time watch TV,” Says Laura

He Always Stays Excited When A New Kitten Comes At Home. He Makes Sure They Feel Comfortable And Safe.

They Play Together Eat Together And Sleep Together Just Like A Mother And Kids.

Seems Like The Kittens Always Want Him Nearby Them.

This Is So Cute!

He Sleeps So Freely While They Are Around.

Just Like A Cat Mother.

Playing With Them Is His Favorite Time Pass.

This Looks So Comfortable. Don’t Know Say Why They Even Called As Enemies.

Its Truly Heartwarming To See Them Like This. I Can Bet He Has Played A Better Role Of A Mother Than Theirs

Just like Laura we should too start fostering animals! Let’s know in comment what you think about this story!

Hospital Asks For People’s Help With Pain From Wearing A Face Mask All Day, This Boy Scout Delivers

As the novel coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world, our doctors and the rest of the medical staff have been fighting with the virus on the Frontlines all day. Just not them, the cashiers, delivery person, police guys and all those who can’t stay home and are going to work every day. To protect themselves and our civilizationevery one of them has to wear face masks all day long and because of that many of them are suffering from ear pain. All local hospitals were struggling out to come up with any help that can solve this issue. That is when this Canadian boy scout Quinn Callander heard the help request from his local health care centre and figured out a brilliant way to relieve some of the pain for all front-liners who are wearing protective gear all day long.

In Such Tough Situation When Every Helping Hand Is Constantly Working Hard All Day And Night It’s Our Duty As Well To Support Them In All Possible Way, Be It Just Sitting At Home To Save Them.

It Was Getting Difficult For All Health Worker To Wear Heath Gear All Day Long Thus Local Hospital Asked People To Help Out Medics With The Pain They Endure From Wearing Protective Masks All Day.

All thanks to Quinn Callander who heard the call for help and came up with a brilliant idea in which he used simple 3D printing skills to make ear guard that protects people’s ear from those painful face masks straps.

Quinn Idea Turned As A Great Relief For The Health Workers Who Have To Wear Masks All Day

Who Could Have Thought This Simple Idea Can Transfer The Tension Of The Masks Straps Right? This Special Guard Protects The Straps From Rubbing On Their Ears All Day “Quinn answered a request from the local hospitals for help with creating “ear guards” to help take the pressure off health care workers’ ears from wearing masks all day,” Quinn’s mom wrote this on Facebook where she also mentioned that his son got busy on his 3D printer and has been turning out dozens of ear guards to donate.

Quinn Not Only Donated Dozens Of Ear Guards To Hospitals, He Even Shared The 3D Template To Public

All you need is a 3D printer at home, to print one of these ear guards for yourself and others by using Quinn’s template. You can check out the template here. Please do help others if you have a 3D printer at home.

Let’s Help All Our Nearby Local Hospitals With 3D Printers Ear Guards!

And do ensure you’re taking all proper precautions without breaking any safety rules.

Quinn’s mom encouraged people to fire up their 3D printing machine and donate ear guards as much as possible to medical staff

Well, not medical staff you can donate to all serviceman who are working day and night to save us from coronavirus (covid-19).

People Calling The Young Lad A Hero!