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One Mom’s 30 Hilariously Honest Comics About The Life Of Motherhood

Any person who is a parent can testify how both challenging and rewarding it is to have a child in your life.  Parenthood is one of the hardest jobs in the world but lots of love and laughter along the way. 

Thankfully there are brilliant and rare artists out there like Inna Sacali, who not only use their gifts to illustrate what it’s like to be a parent but also pair this with humor that is so true to life that these comics are downright hilarious!

Sacali is an architect and artist from Moldova. She has a son who keeps her on her toes all the time. She illustrates her everyday struggles in relationships, pregnancy, and frustrating shenanigans her son does.

The artist creates relatable comics even for someone who does not have kids or has been pregnant. 

Sacali always loved drawing and started doing it full-time as a comic artist after putting a hold on her job as an architect. She started drawing comics about what it means to be on maternity leave.  According to the artist Being a mom isn’t an easy job, but it’s worth it.

Scroll down and enjoy our best picks from inna_s_art’s collection.

#1 Cute Little Dragon

#2 No one jokes about it

#3 My precious

#4 System updated

#5 It is never the right fit.

#6 Yup it’s the baby

#7 Mom to a boy

#8 Nothing to see  here

#9 Things change rapidly.

#10 Keep everything out of reach

#11 evolution of a mother

#12 When just eating becomes boring

#13 What exactly is going on?

#14 Just shut up.

#15 Jello boy

#16 Here comes the baby fever.

#17 No difference

#18 Tell me what to do, please

#19 Mom is the best Teeth Ring

#20 Reality is always different from the reality

#21 He has super powers

#22 Are those the same ?

#23 Always misses the show

#24 Heavy legs.

#25 Best expectation versus reality

#26 Just inhaled it.

#27 Still the same

#28 How does this keep on happening?

#29 Baby – 1 dad – 0

#30 Wish I had detachable hands.


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